member of the supervisory board

Reinhold Zintgraf

Reinhold Zintgraf

Reinhold Zintgraf is a management consultant in Hamburg with a wealth of experience from Germany and abroad. In addition to 6 years as a management consultant with Boston Consulting Group, he worked for 8 years in the paper and textile industry in Germany and then for 26 years at tesa SE. At tesa, Reinhold Zintgraf was always responsible for international business areas: he first worked at the tesa International Headquarters (IHQ) in Hamburg, then for many years abroad as Head of Marketing & Sales Asia-Pacific, based in Singapore, and as Regional Head for Western Europe in Barcelona and Amsterdam. The last few years, back at tesa IHQ, he was a member of the tesa Executive Board and responsible for business in MEA, digitalisation and corporate communications, among other things.

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